Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Gift

Headline NEWS
-Hemoglobin of 121 compared to 80 of the same month last year.
-CD4 count of 282 compared to 127 of the same month last year.
-Heart's ejection fraction (EF) of 57% compared to 39% of the same month last year.
-Weight of 55kg compared to 38kg of the same month last year.
-Status: In a Relationship compared to Single of the same month last year.

A good friend of mine said, when I was admitted due to my syndrome last year, "once you have overcome and risen from your sickness, you'll be back to normal and even more."

Reminiscing April 2012, its the month when I was discharged from my one month confinement at JBLMRH due to gift and its syndromes. It was the time i am at my weakest point. So dead-skinny, literally lightweight, and severely having difficulty in breathing. April 4, 2012 as I remember it right when my hemoglobin count went down to 90 and was brought to a nearby hospital for blood transfusion. Well, that time I got 3 bags of blood.

This was also the time when true friends came home to visit me, even though they don't know my real case. This was the time i felt i am as important as their own families.

Remembering April 2012 is like recalling a war: bloody, painful, sacrificial and deadly. But recalling that time also makes me remember how strong I am. How I fear nothing even death. How I fought warm-heartedly with death face to face. And in the end, death surrendered. I won; WE WON.

A year have gone fast. Where am I now?

On the brighter side, Im doing very good and living a very normal life. My sickness brought me things, people and events that made my new life even happier. It brought me a good new sets of friends, good things to discover and new places to go and share the good news.

The 2012 struggle has been been bravely fought and has been won with glory. A new life is now being constructed with new and strong foundations. New realizations, new built principles and new path to walk on.

I went back to life in January 2013. I reported in the office January 2 and was hired to teach again the same month. It's very normal, seems nothing had happened. Many asked how do i do? Many noticed my huge weight-loss. Well I told them about my syndrome but not my main case. Smart people I have spoke with knew it even though I am not saying it but they open handedly accepted my situation and kept their silence, treated me the same way as before.

There was also that time in 2012 when I accepted the 'fact' that I will be having difficulty in going into a new relationship with someone. I thought then that NO ONE will accept me because of my case. That if I fall for someone, it would be hard for me to keep him and to tell him about my situation.

December 2012 when I opened again the source of all of this, Planet Romeo. Browsing, checking profiles but not like those times, I am afraid of talking with anyone and relpying for sex request.

Then someone sent me a message and there it started: He changed my life in a moment.

He accepted me for what I am. He knows my situation but never did he made it a reason to reject me. Instead, what I have keeps us together. It makes us stronger day by day..

We savour each day like it is my last day. BIG THANKS TO YOU, I LOVE YOU...

Many think that my case is something that can keep me from being normal but I think of it as a gift of being a true human and seeing things that are divine.

This gift maybe wrapped with painful experiences, hopeless moments and loneliness, but on the brighter side, this gift when accepted and opened whole heartedly, it can bring you unexpected surprises and blessings of a happy, healthy and even more normal life.

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